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In the AutoMapper library, you can configure the construction or instantiation of objects using a TypeFactory. This is particularly useful when dealing with interfaces or any objects that cannot be instantiated directly.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

  1. First, you need to define a TypeFactory for the specific type. A TypeFactory is either a callable (function or method) that takes the source object and a ResolutionContextInterface
    as arguments and returns an instance of the target type or a class that implements the TypeFactoryInterface.

  2. In your MapperConfiguration, you can use the constructUsing() method to specify the TypeFactory for a particular mapping.


constructUsing() is mandatory for interfaces and any object that cannot be instantiated directly due to the lack of a public constructor, or abstract classes, or any other reason.


A TypeFactory is required to return an instance of the target type. If the TypeFactory returns an instance of a different type, AutoMapper will throw an exception.

Using a Callable

Here's an example of how you can do this:

use Backbrain\Automapper\Contract\Builder\Config;
use Backbrain\Automapper\MapperConfiguration;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;

$config = new MapperConfiguration(fn (Config $config) => $config
->createMap(User::class, UserDto::class)
->createMap(Address::class, AddressDto::class)
->createMap('array', Collection::class)
->constructUsing(fn (array $source, ResolutionContextInterface $context): object => new ArrayCollection())

$autoMapper = $config->createMapper();

Remember, the TypeFactory is mandatory for interfaces and all objects that cannot be instantiated directly.

Using a Class

If you prefer to use a class that implements the TypeFactoryInterface, you can create a class that implements the TypeFactoryInterface and then pass it to the constructUsing() method.

Here's an example of how you can do this:

use Backbrain\Automapper\Contract\ResolutionContextInterface;
use Backbrain\Automapper\Contract\TypeFactoryInterface;
use Backbrain\Automapper\Contract\Builder\Config;
use Backbrain\Automapper\MapperConfiguration;

class ExampleTypeFactory implements TypeFactoryInterface
public function create(mixed $source, ResolutionContextInterface $context): object
// Here you can implement your logic to create a new instance of a class.
// For example, let's assume we are creating an instance of a class named "ExampleClass".
// You can use the $source and $context parameters to customize the creation process.

// Set properties or constructor arguments for $exampleClass based on $source and $context
$exampleClass = new ExampleClass();

return $exampleClass;

In this example, ExampleTypeFactory is implementing TypeFactoryInterface. The create method is responsible for creating and returning a new instance of a class. The create method receives two parameters: $source and $context. You can use these parameters to customize the creation process of the new instance. In this example, we are creating an instance of a hypothetical class named ExampleClass.