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Naming Conventions

Naming conventions in PHP AutoMapper are instrumental in establishing a clear and consistent mapping between the properties of source and destination classes. AutoMapper comes equipped with a variety of pre-defined (built-in) naming conventions, and also offers the flexibility to create custom naming conventions tailored to your needs.


To use a naming convention, you need to specify it in your MapperConfiguration. Here's an example:

use Backbrain\Automapper\Converter\Naming\CamelCaseNamingConvention;
use Backbrain\Automapper\Converter\Naming\SnakeCaseNamingConvention;

$config = new MapperConfiguration(fn (Config $config) => $config
->createMap(SourceClass::class, DestinationClass::class)

In this example, the source class properties are expected to be in camel case, and they will be mapped to the destination class properties in snake case.

Custom Naming Conventions

To create a custom naming convention, you need to create a class that implements the NamingConventionInterface. This interface has a single method translate that you need to implement. Here's an example:

use Backbrain\Automapper\Contract\NamingConventionInterface;

class CustomNamingConvention implements NamingConventionInterface
public function translate(string $name): string
// Implement your custom naming convention here.
// This is a simple example that replaces underscores with dashes.
return str_replace('_', '-', $name);

You can then use your custom naming convention in the same way as the built-in ones:

$config = new MapperConfiguration(fn (Config $config) => $config
->createMap(SourceClass::class, DestinationClass::class)


PHP AutoMapper comes with the following built-in naming conventions:

  • CamelCaseNamingConvention: Converts a string to camel case. For example, hello_world becomes helloWorld.
  • PascalCaseNamingConvention: Converts a string to Pascal case. For example, hello_world becomes HelloWorld.
  • SnakeCaseNamingConvention: Converts a string to snake case. For example, HelloWorld becomes hello_world.
  • MacroCaseNamingConvention: Converts a string to macro case. For example, hello_world becomes HELLO_WORLD.
  • AdaCaseNamingConvention: Converts a string to Ada case. For example, hello_world becomes Hello_World.